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Aboriginal Painting - Watya Tjuta

Aboriginal Painting - Watya Tjuta

Mitjili Napurrula

SKU:Cat. n. MN 1302

Regular price $3,500.00 AUD
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Aboriginal Painting Title: Watya Tjuta
Aboriginal Artist: Mitjili Napurrula
Size: 84 x 60 cm Unframed
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

COA and pictures of the artist holding her work will be provided.

This painting depicts the root system of the Watiya Tjuta tree. The country where the trees are found is Uwalki and the tree is known as Watiya Tjuta. The Dreaming (Tjukurrpa) of this work concerns the making of spears, an important aspect of men's business. This painting depicts four significant elements referring to Uwalki country – Mitjili’s father and brother – the renowned Turkey Tolson’s (passed away) homeland around Ikuntji (Haasts Bluff). Also often depicted are the hilly mountains in her birthplace.

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